Stage 3: Design Development
Manage, co-ordinate and integrate the detail design development process within the project scope, time, cost and quality parameters.
Standard Services
Assist the client in the procurement of the balance of the consultants including the clear definition of their roles, responsibilities and liabilities.
Establish and co-ordinate the formal and informal communication structure, processes and procedures for the design development of the project.
Prepare, co-ordinate and agree a detailed Design and Documentation Programme, based on an updated Indicative Construction Programme, with all consultants.
Manage, co-ordinate and integrate the design by the consultants in a sequence to suit the project design, documentation programme and quality requirements.
Conduct and record the appropriate planning, co-ordination and management meetings.
Facilitate any input from the design consultants required by Construction Manager on constructability.
Facilitate any input from the design consultants required by Health and Safety consultant.
Manage and monitor the timeous submission by the design team of all plans and documentation to obtain the necessary statutory approvals.
Signed consultant/client agreements.
Detailed design and documentation programme.
Updated indicative construction programme.
Record of all meetings.
Approval by client to proceed to stage.
Client approval to proceed to Stage 4